Let me start by sharing a fascinating and inspiring fact about me. One is twenty-one, the other twenty-one. If you asked them now their favorite foods, they would give the same answer as they did when they were in high school. Can you guess? You’d be surprised at how many salads they love! This is quite impressive, don’t you think. It’s interesting and unexpected because it’s not what you would get from most of your friends. They are passionate about fresh, organic, and local vegetables. The eggs from local farms are what they eat. They have always lived close to nature and ate very little processed, canned or boxed food. It might seem more expensive to eat this way, and only the wealthy could afford it in times of recession. You’ll be amazed at the changes in your perception when you hear these very interesting facts.
We home-schooled our children for many years. This was because we believed that little kids want to play, move, and learn every day, from the moment they wake up until the time when their heads sink into the pillows in a state of joyous exhaustion. This was more normal than having them “need” to sit still, stop squirming and pay attention with their minds. They could only learn academics at a desk in a stuffy classroom, where no fresh air was allowed in, for hours on end every day. You can observe and offer your opinion, but there is no judgement. Later, they chose to go to public school and remained there until their high school graduation. They noticed a shift in their study habits, energy levels in the mid-afternoon, and a love for learning. This was primarily due to the food and beverages available in the cafeteria and vending machines. It also influenced the way they learned.
Our children are the best to learn about the interrelationship between education and nutrition. Listen and learn. It is simple and straightforward to let your children guide you in these important areas. This is especially true if they are young and have been introduced to healthy lifestyle choices. Even if your children are in middle school or highschool, you can still make changes. The process will be harder and both you and your kids need to be patient as the body adapts slowly to better choices. A better way to perceive food as medicine or food as medicine is essential for the mind.
You have heard the evidence and data about healthy eating. You have read books, magazines, and articles about how schools feed your children nutrient-deficient foods that are high in hidden fats, sugars, and chemicals. It’s not their fault they might be more active than ever and overweight. Let’s find out the secrets! All of them have one thing in common. They appeal to the senses, making it easy to eat right almost every day!
Secret number 1: Only stock your fridge with healthy stuff
So that everyone can see the color in the fridge, they will be delighted when you open the door. A bowl of oranges, lemons and berries can be tempting. For an instant hunger pang, a small bowl that you have filled with water and cut up carrots and celery sticks can be used. You can quickly eat a healthy little baby bell or laughing cow cheese, which are easy to open and enjoy. Another form of lean protein, such as chicken fingers, you can make yourself. This easy recipe uses a lean organic chicken breast. Then, dip it in an egg wash and then fry in canola oil. You can find many healthy recipes on my website that you can quickly make and have on hand for once a week.
You can fill a platter with different nuts and dried fruits. Keep it on the counter for quick snacks.
Drinks: With the majority of the world in water crisis, it is so fortunate to be able turn on the taps to get water. Water is the best thirst quenching drink you can have and is our family’s favorite choice. We mix one quarter of grapefruit, grapefruit, pommegranete, or any other dark juice with three quarters of water to make a little juice. This can be served with a salad or as a stand-alone drink. Make sure you get a cool, eco-friendly water bottle that can be re used for every member of your family. Keep it in the fridge and fill it with cool water. Kids love water bottles and will enjoy having one of their own. I will be writing an article about the incredible benefits of water. Trust me, it is the best choice for your children to bathe all their trillions in a healthy and powerful manner.